Got a New sod installed? Here’s how to fill in the gaps!

Whenever you order professional sod installation service in Rochester, the experts make sure to cut the sods in rectangles to ensure faster and easier transportation. After the yard is prepped, these rectangles are carefully set down and each of them is butted in tightly on the surface. But sometimes by mistake or intentionally during some sod grass installation, some gaps occur. 

If you feel that they’re adding a bad look to your yard, then you can always fill in the gap. But before that let’s understand why gaps between sods occur?  

Natural or Intentional Gap

Installing sod in the corners or curved walkways naturally creates a gap between the pieces. This is because the sod is cut in a straight line while the area is curved. When one side of the cut meets the curve it fails to curve around, which ultimately leaves small pie-shaped gaps. 

Ways to Fill in the Sod Gaps


The best and most efficient way to fill sod gaps is to topdress the lawn. You can easily purchase the mixture from a local lawn and garden store. If not, then compost works as well. Identify the gaps and place them evenly on them. Water regularly and eventually grass will start growing in the area which will remove any traces of gap. 


Patching is a much faster and instant resolution to the sod gaps problem. Simply cut your leftover sods from installation and cut them into small pieces. Place them in the gap and fill it completely. 


Seedings is yet another effective solution to fill in the gaps, albeit a little slow. If you plan to go ahead with this method, ensure to pick up the right seed that matches the sod already installed. Different grass seeds require a different process to follow, so read the instructions carefully and follow them to the T. Water them in regular intervals to avoid withering and dying. 

Perhaps the biggest challenge that you’ll face with this is the birds and squirrels. If you stray your eyes away from the seeds, they’ll be gone in a blink. So, take this into consideration before following through. 

professional sod installation

Get the Sod Installation Service in Rochester!

Do you want to know a way through which you won’t have to go through these tedious processes of filling up sod gaps? Book professional sod installation service in Rochester - and let the experts lay the sod worry-free! Gorski Landscaping brings the best lawn and sod installation services at affordable rates. Connect to get your free quotation today!


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