What Is the Best Height to Cut Grass?

A healthy and well-kept lawn can enhance the curb appeal of any property. While the weather, irrigation, and soil’s nutrients play a significant role in lawn maintenance. The height of your grass is an essential factor too!

Cutting grass at an ideal height increases turfgrass density and promotes deep root growth - both make the grass more resistant to harsh environmental conditions and weeds.

However, trimming the grass too much or too less puts the lawn under stress, promotes weed germination, and makes your lawn look dull and yellow while degrading the value of the whole landscape.

Hiring an expert lawn cutting service is the best way to ensure that you have a healthy and beautiful lawn. If you want to take care of your lawn on your own, here are some of the crucial things from the best landscaping company in Rochester every homeowner should know.

Lawn Care Services in Rochester

Grass Types and Height

The ideal height of grass usually depends on the weather and its type. Generally, warm-season grasses need to be cut to about 2-2.5 inches, while cool-season grasses should be cut around 3-4 inches. 

As per the climatic conditions, you should keep the grass a bit taller during the summer season. Taller grasses can shade the soil and protect the roots from the harsh heat.

Below are recommended heights of cutting based on the grass type:

Warm-Season Grasses

  • Bahia: 2.5 to 4 inches

  • Bermuda: 0.5 to 2.5 inches

  • Buffalo: 1.5 to 4 inches

  • Centipede: 1 to 2.5 inches

  • Kikuyu grass: 1 to 1.5 inches

  • St. Augustine: 1 to 3 inches

  • Zoysia: 0.5 to 3 inches

Cool-Season Grasses

  • Fine fescue: 1.5 to 4 inches

  • Kentucky bluegrass: 0.75 to 3.5 inches

  • Perennial ryegrass: 0.75 to 2.5 inches

  • Tall fescue: 1.5 to 4 inches

The One-Third Rule

The 1/3rd rule is followed by many lawn cutting service providers and applies to most grass types. 

Every homeowner should remember that they do not mow more than one-third of the grass blade in a single session.

To guarantee this, you can take the measurements before you start and adjust your mower’s height accordingly. Generally, a good time to mow the grass is when it's about 3 ⅔ inches high.

Tip: Mow your lawn once in 5 to 7 days and always check whether the mowing blades are sharp or not to avoid tearing off and damaging the grass.

Professional Lawn Care Services

If you don’t have time to mow your lawn or need any other assistance in lawn care, Contact Gorski Landscaping and take advantage of the best lawn care services in Rochester.


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